Thursday, February 26, 2009

Huckabee Jokes About Assassinating Obama

The religious right(Huckabee) has the same extreme thinking as the neocons pushing the New World Order and destroying American democracy.
To prove a point, a comment from this clip on YouTube...
"lol I was at that annual meeting when that occured, it was funny as hell. but seriously no more bashing our savior barry obama "
...funny as hell?
clipped from

Hardball: Huckabee Jokes About Assassinating Obama 5-15-08

Unbelievable, Mike Huckabee at an NRA Meeting Jokes about Killing Our Future President. Disgusting.
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Liz Trotta apologizes for Obama assassination joke

If this was the Cheney /Bush/neocon regime and their 'boy' had been threatened Fox would be severely reprimanded. The neocons and Fox are still a threat to national sovereignty...a huge one.
clipped from

Liz Trotta apologizes for Obama assassination joke

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