Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Billlionaire Israel Hedgefund Crook Eludes Jailer

They'll probably never see him again!

Billionaire hedge-fund manager disappears on his way to prison

A disgraced former New York hedge-fund manager has sparked a nationwide manhunt after apparently faking his own suicide on the day he was due to report to prison to begin a 20-year sentence for fraud.

Samuel Israel III, a billionaire co-founder of the Bayou Group, is being sought by police after his car was found abandoned on the Bear Mountain Bridge in upstate New York with the words "suicide is painless" written into the dust on its bonnet.

The authorities said that no body had been found, and that they were keeping an "open mind". Mr Israel had been due to report to prison by 2pm on Monday after being sentenced in April for his role in a scheme to cheat investors of $450m (£230m).

Bruce Cuccia, a police investigator, said that no witnesses had seen anyone leave the vehicle or jump from the bridge, 40 miles north of New York. CCTV footage was inconclusive.

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Sunday, June 8, 2008

Bucs Stevens to Sue Mike Florio?

Posted by Mike Florio on June 8, 2008, 4:35 p.m. EDT

The Tampa Bay Buccaneers have finally come up with the best possible strategy for dealing with the past rape allegations involving recently re-signed tight end Jerramy Stevens.

They’ve forbidden their fans from mentioning the situation on the team’s official message boards.

Florio then goes on to copy the private message of a moderator to back up his misleading assertion on his website, Pro Football Talk. Although Stevens has not started litigation yet, it may be just a matter of time.

By such a headline, is not Florio deliberately misleading readers to believe their is a rape case, when in fact there is not nor was there ever one? As a lawyer, surely his accountability is higher than the average person.

Florio Sucks

Well this character appeared on the Cutting Edge
and elicited this response:
"I wondered what this character looked like. Sort of like...a lawyer, huh? Yep, that's correct, you can move to the head of the class...Florio is a lawyer in West Virginia, when he's not wonking the NFL."
He's an internet hack. His video on You Tube is no longer available on the Cutting Edge although you might find some of the political cartoons amusing. His blog site Pro Football talk is basically a rumor mill and outlet for the obsessed NFL sports fans, especially hack Florio.