Thursday, August 30, 2007

Agloco and You

I haven't posted about AGLOCO recently. They have their viewbar with built in search engine ready to download. There are several ways to optimize this opportunity, but as with anything, one needs to take some action. I'll be making a simple video on this soon. AGLOCO principle is to give back so their users a portion of the ad income they develop from search engine optimization. In short, they will pay you for using it up to 5 hours a month . You will go here to sign up AgloCo so you may download the viewbar. If you are reading this now, it's not by accident. It is totally secure and spyware free, so you may as well download it and get paid $15-$20 per month. The program can be downloaded to your desk top and can be turned off after you have logged 5 hours for the month. I'll be talking about another program in the next week or so that pays you as well. What's the catch. Sorry, there is none. Join the web 2.0 revolution; it's already in full geometric here.

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