Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My new video channel 'plugins' : Sports, NFL, Osama, funny as hell!

I joined this site months ago and did nothing. It's free to join, and has a community MB, explanation on uploading videos from the public domain. You can post many videos in minutes and have them organized into folders (channels) and hosted for free. You can also make some change via adsense. Hey, my goal here is to (eventually) make $20 a month , and have some fun with friends and family. Invites heading out shortly.
Anyway, i have everything from sports, funny, politics to learning videos and I'll be adding more to my channel. Look at as a smaller Google video or You tube, okay much smaller. However , just enjoy and please post your comments and suggestions here or at the where I'll be posting this as well. Also, the video sense community MB after joining. Peace! Thank you.
BTW, my last upload is at Osama-Bin-Laden-on-Tv or you can just go click carson321 is my ID
very funny animation!!!
Thanks , please leave a message here (or any questions) or in the video sense community forum (after joining) Thanks again

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